What Belt Size Does My Wide Belt Sanding Machine Use?
It can sometimes be difficult to know what size sanding belt your wide belt machine uses, particularly if you have quite an obscure machine or do not know the model number. For this reason we have collated the majority of wide belt sander models along with their applicable sizes to enable you to determine the correct size to order.
We have included this information in the searchable table below – search by manufacturer (“Timesaver”), model (“Sandya 5”) or belt width or length (“1115”, “1900”.)
[one_half]Can’t find your model? Then you will need to measure one of your existing abrasive belts by hand – this is quite simple, with the width of the belt being fairly self-explanatory, while the length or circumference can be found in one of two ways. The first is to lay the sanding belt as flat as possible, measure from one end to the other and then double the resulting figure. Alternatively if you have an old abrasive belt to hand which you do not intend on using again then you could split it at the joint, lay it out flat and measure it from end to end.[/one_half]
[one_half_last]Belt Length = Belt Circumference[/one_half_last]
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